Fiscal incentives for agricultural commodity production: Options to forge compatibility with REDD+

Kissinger, G.

Publication Date:

The UN-REDD Programme published a policy brief on how to forge compatibility of financial incentives for agricultural production with REDD+. Fiscal policies and incentives are often key underlying drivers of forest change that influence land use behaviour in sectors that encroach on forests, although the understanding of their impacts on forests is often lacking. REDD+ provides an entry to rethink fiscal incentives for agricultural commodities as part of Countries National REDD+ Strategies and Actions Plans. REDD+ activities, as defined by the UNFCCC, includes the enhancement of forest carbon stocks, which may be implemented through restoration.

Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration:
Linking forest restoration goals with the agricultural production by promoting relevant financial incentives is in line with activity B8.

STAPER categories:
  • B8: Promote economic and financial incentives

Resource Type:
White Paper

UN-REDD Programme
