Financial Mechanisms for Restoration at scale: Payment for Environmental Services Platform Transaction

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Rubens de Miranda Benini

Publication Date:

Ecosystem restoration is one of nature-based-solutions that can help tackling climate change, but still does not occur at the scale to attend this urgency. It is necessary to reduce costs and engage landholders to restore lands. To reduce costs, it can be applied conducting natural regeneration technique in many regions in the Atlantic Forest. In order to outreach landowners, sometimes it is necessary to provide incomes. To foster PES Programs in Brazil, it was organized a workshop with 59 experts. After that, we noticed that few landowners received resources to restore their lands and the main bottlenecks to scale up PES are: lack of financial resources; high operational cost (more costly than PES that reaches the landholders); lack of PES Public Policies; excessive bureaucracy; juridical insecurity. In order to address these challenges, a Task Force was formed to looking for scale up restoration, using PES as a tool. The key conclusion was the urgency to create a National Policy and also to develop a PES transaction platform, aiming to bring a market concept to several environmental services (water, climate and biodiversity), joining “sellers” and “buyers” in the same place, reducing bureaucracy, providing legal certainty to both parties, developing an efficient monitoring system and decreasing operational PES costs. Currently, National PES Policy was created and the PES Platform is under development and until of the end of this year, the first financial transactions for environmental services should be happen generating positive social and environmental impacts on the ground.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation

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