Evaluation of survival and performance in plantings of Sideroxylon capiri (Sapotaceae) for ecological restoration in a deciduous forest

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Eugenia Estefanía Hidalgo-Contreras, Patricia Valentina Carrasco-Carballido

Publication Date:

The Deciduous Forest (DF) has a high land use conversion, the 7% of the global deforestation is due to mining, while the 18.3% of Mexican territory and 29% of the total Morelos territory are under concession for this activity. This study was carried out in ecological restoration plantings as a mitigation measure for the limestone extraction activity, with the intention of maintain Sideroxylon capiri with viable populations. S. capiri is a Neotropical native tree and classified as near threatened species by the IUCN red list and as threatened in the Mexico national regulation. In 2017, plantings of ecological restoration were established in five different sites, one inside the quarry and four in external areas, with a total of 635 S. capiri trees. We evaluate the effect of the variables soil depth and circundante vegetation density and richness in each site as well as precipitation and temperature per year in S. capiri survival and performance (diameter size and height), in four years (2017 to 2020). The results of the variables analysis per year in each site and between sites will presented. The results of this work will help propose modifications or complements to improve the restoration strategy in this particular mining area and others ecological restoration sites in DF.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
