Ecological Forecasting Tools and Planning of Ecosystem Restoration Projects

Foran, C. M., I. Linkov, E. A. Moberg, D. Smith, and D. M. Soballe

Publication Date:

This technical note reviews some of the most commonly used USACE forecasting tools and models in ecological restoration. It outlines an approach for comparing these tools that will help USACE planners and their project stakeholders better identify and select appropriate forecasting models. Although this technical note is not a primer or a selection metatool (i.e., a tool to select tools), it is hoped that this note will contribute to a long-term goal of USACE staff (both planners and researchers) to become better-informed developers and consumers of ecological forecasting tools. Secondarily, this note is intended to give researchers a clearer view of what USACE planners need (but do not have available) with regard to ecological forecasting capabilities.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
