Design Guidelines for Tidal Wetland Restoration in the San Francisco Bay

Philip Williams & Associates, Ltd.

Publication Date:

Over the last 150 years, approximately 90% of the tidal marshes that fringed San Francisco Bay have been destroyed as a result of progressive diking and filling for agricultural, salt pond, and commercial development. Within the last three decades, however, there has been a dramatic change in public attitudes towards wetlands. They are now valued as uniquely productive natural resources and public policy now seeks not only to protect existing marshes, but also to restore former marshes as functioning wetland ecosystems. Accordingly, The Bay Institute, with funding from the California State Coastal Conservancy, retained Philip Williams & Associates, Ltd. (PWA) and Phyllis M. Faber (Consultant Team) to evaluate and document actual restoration experience in San Francisco Bay and produce this design guidelines report.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

The Bay Institute and the California State Coastal Conservancy
