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Nicolas Mansuy
Publication Date:
Achieving restoration targets may not be possible without a significant impact on economic activities coming energy, mining and forestry companies that currently contribute to landscape degradation and landscape fragmentation. However, missing from this debate has been a detailed accounting of the economic output and jobs that are actually created through restoration and reclamations activities. In order to fill these gaps, we have developed and conducted a survey to define and quantify the reclamation and restoration (R&R) economy using the province of Alberta as pilot study. The survey composed of 22 questions was circulated among the restoration practitioners in the province such as extractives industries, private consultants, academia, federal and provincial governments as well as NGO’s. The specifics goals of the survey was to have a better understanding of the revenues, expenditures, and the jobs for each type of R&R activities as well as identify the keys players in the supply chain.The presentation will highlight the preliminary results as well as the challenges of conducting such project. The study will also help demonstrate the critical role of reclamation and restoration in ensuring that Alberta can achieve sustainable resource development and multifunctional landscape.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program