Creating Riverine Wetlands: Ecological Succession, Nutrient Retention, and Pulsing Effects

Mitsch, W.J., L. Zhang, C.J. Anderson, A.E. Altor and M.E. Hernandez

Publication Date:

Successional patterns, water quality changes, and effects of hydrologic pulsing are documented for a whole-ecosystem experiment involving two created wetlands that have been subjected to continuous inflow of pumped river water for more than 10 years. At the beginning of the growing season in the first year of the experiment (1994), 2400 individuals representing 13 macrophyte species were introduced to one of the wetland basins. The other basin was an unplanted control. Patterns of succession are illustrated by macrophyte community diversity and net aboveground primary productivity, soil development, water quality changes, and nutrient retention for the two basins. The planted wetland continued to be more diverse in plant cover 10 years after planting and the unplanted wetland appeared to be more productive but more susceptible to stress.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Ecological Engineering
