Creating a restoration-based rural economy and reviving traditional ecological knowledge

Dr. Ramesh Venkataraman

Publication Date:

The webinar will present case study from India of a restoration project that combines the objectives of creating alternate livelihoods for local communities of indigenous peoples based on ecological restoration and at the same time reviving traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous groups whose connect with their natural environment is fast vanishing. The restoration project is being managed by Junglescapes, a non-profit engaged in restoring degraded forests. The project site is in a major tiger reserve in South India which lies in the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot. Junglescapes received the Full Circle Award in 2017 for its ongoing work with local communities. Speaker bio: Ramesh Venkataraman is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner and has been carrying out restoration of degraded forest areas in India since 2007. He is part of Junglescapes, a non-profit that has successfully pioneered a community-participative restoration model. A major focus of the effort is on managing invasive species, as well as restoring forest patches with high anthropogenic pressures. Ramesh is also actively engaged in restoration education in India. He is an active member of SER.

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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

