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Edward Samanns
Publication Date:
The nonnative form of common reed (Phragmites australis) is well known as an invasive species of coastal and inland marshes and widely accepted as having negative effects on biodiversity and wetland functions in comparison to undisturbed wetlands. In the U.S., both large and small scale projects have been implemented with the goal of eradication or significant reduction of common reed stands followed by the restoration of native plant communities. These efforts have been ongoing for over 25 years with varying levels of success which have led to a narrowing in the treatment methods to a core group of effective approaches. The types of projects that incorporate common reed management can range from large scale programs with relatively secure funding for long-term management, to relatively short duration (3 – 5 years) wetland mitigation projects with no long-term management requirements.
Through project experience and field observation, common reed reintroduction into previously restored sites that have not undergone significant hydrologic change remains a threat to the benefits achieved. An element of these types of projects that deserves further exploration is how biodiversity and functional gains, once achieved, can be maintained into the future, and what type of political, financial and cooperative mechanisms are required to support long-term monitoring and maintenance actions. This presentation will explore current programs with different approaches to provide long-term management of common reed, including the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative, a Wetland Mitigation Bank, and a State funded program for Wildlife Management Areas that could serve as potential models for managers.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program