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Felipe Feliciani, Daniela Rode, Alberto Esquivel
Publication Date:
Solitary, beautiful and elusive, the jaguar is the biggest native feline to roam the Americas. Their historic distribution once ranged from southwestern United States to southern Argentina, but over the past 50 years the jaguar has lost over half of their original habitat, and several populations are considered critically endangered, including the population from Atlantic Forest. The lands originally covered by the Atlantic Forest are today predominantly a human-modified landscape, and the jaguars have significantly decreased in this region. WWF Brazil, WWF Paraguay and Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina drives the conservation efforts of this landscape. The objectives of the program is that the jaguars populations increase; At least two jaguar corridors are consolidated and habitat fragmentation is reduced; Deforestation is reduced, the availability of jaguar´s prey is improved; The number of human-jaguar conflict incidents is reduced and; Poaching levels are reduced. The project is implemented partly by the coordinating institutions and partly by local partner institutions. Studies are carried out to monitor the populations of jaguars and their prey, as well as surveys and monitoring of conflict areas, and actions to mitigate them. The data resulting are used to guide the planning processes of restoration programs, prioritizing areas of use of jaguars, especially when they enable the connection between protected areas. The latest results from population censuses are encouraging, as well as the reduction in cases of conflict, and the trend is that with the next years we will have even better and even richer results to expand conservation impacts.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program