Connectivity Conservation and the Great Eastern Ranges Corridor

Mackey, B., J. Watson and G.L. Worboys

Publication Date:

A revised conservation science consensus is beginning to emerge in response to the limitations of conservation efforts to date and the enormity of the challenge. The term ‘connectivity conservation’ is now being widely used to capture this emerging scientific consensus among researchers and practitioners. A connectivity conservation approach recognises that: 1) conservation management is needed on the lands around formal protected areas to, among other things, buffer them from threatening processes originating off-reserve and to care for biodiversity assets found on other land tenures; 2) on land that has been heavily cleared and fragmented, there is a need for large-scale ecological restoration and rehabilitation so that protected areas do not remain isolated islands and ‘extinction vortices’; and 3) in largely intact areas, the option remains to maintain ecological integrity in toto through a combination of formal protected areas and complementary off-reserve conservation management areas.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

Alps to Atherton Connectivity Conservation Working Group
