Connecting and communicating ecological restoration success and barriers across practice and policy realms: A synthesis of present knowledge

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Alina C. Fisher, Eric Higgs, Sarah Wilson

Publication Date:

Though ecological restoration holds promise as an effective approach to mitigate natural and anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem change, barriers to information exchange can significantly influence restoration outcomes. Restoration knowledge is held by researchers, practitioners, governments, and non-government organizations, and accessible repositories for widespread restoration knowledge exchange are few. We combined in-depth case studies, interviews with restoration practitioners and experts, and a comprehensive review of the published literature to generate a baseline for restoration science, policy and action in Canada. Rather than merely accumulating knowledge, the “Ecological Restoration: Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Mitigation and Engaging Canadians with Nature” Project has created publicly available data, and endeavours to distribute these widely and accessibly. It highlights the importance of knowledge mobilization across political jurisdictions and spanning Canada’s diverse ecosystems, and enables conversation about how best to ensure and grow effectiveness. Our approach holds lessons for other jurisdictions seeking to improve understanding and awareness of restoration.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
