Community bird changes due to ecological restoration of terrestrial areas on an Andean periurban wetland (Bogotá, Colombia)

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Zuluaga-Carrero, J

Publication Date:

The native ecosystems of the Bogotá plateau have been transformed as a consequence of the dynamics of occupation, finding today remnants of wetlands with bird species in a serious threat of extinction. In response to those changes, ecological restoration research line of Bogotá Botanical Garden establishes the Pilot Area of Research on La Florida Regional Park. An area of high importance for bird conservation, and an opportunity to propose birds as indicator of the restoration success. The park has six land covers, including two covers with around ten years of restoration process, two without restoration (a mixed forest plantation and a recreational zone), one of a natural wetland habitat and a lake. The areas in restoration process was established using implantation designs with native plants. The success of the vegetation process was measured using the variables as: survival, composition and structure that could explain changes on bird communities produced by the restoration, serving as a comparative framework. In total, 170 species were recorded throughout the park, including species of conservation importance. The greatest changes are observed in the covers under restoration in which there is a significant increase on bird diversity that can be explained by structural variables of vegetation such as growth habits, strata and in general understory features. Similarly, changes were found in the cover without restoration, in which has a similar structure to the coverage under restoration, but with less diversity of plant and bird species. Those results highlight the importance of bird monitoring in ecological restoration processes, and also highlighting compositional and structural variables that can boost an increase in bird diversity.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
