Community Based Monitoring to Assess Habitat Restoration Outcomes in Terrestrial Ecosystems

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Sacha Jellinek, Andrew F Bennett, Tim O’Brien

Publication Date:

Practitioners undertaking conservation activities, such as community groups, staff from government and non-government agencies and private landholders play a vital role in undertaking land management actions such as habitat restoration, including revegetating agricultural landscapes. Practitioners can also play an important role in learning how revegetated areas change over time by carrying out monitoring. Monitoring allows us to learn what actions are most effective in restoring vegetation to individual properties and whole landscapes, how well plant species survive and grow, and the quality of habitat it provides for faunal species. In the state of Victoria, Australia, practitioners worked alongside researchers to assess how effective revegetation outcomes are after the first year of planting. The monitoring aims were to assess the outcomes of revegetation, in terms of the survival of planted trees, shrubs and understory plants, and determine the factors that affect variation in survival among different species, and different regions. The program also assessed how useful community members found the monitoring methods, any factors that limited their ability to undertake the monitoring, and ways in which the monitoring could be improved. This presentation will outline the revegetation monitoring methods undertaken by community groups, the revegetation outcomes from this monitoring, and the perceptions of participants to the monitoring methods and their outcomes. The results highlight the importance of researchers and community groups collaborating to better understand the benefits of conservation activities through monitoring, and provides a monitoring method that could be adapted to assess restoration activities globally.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
