Coastal Zone Management Trust, Quintana Roo, Mexico

The Nature Conservancy

Publication Date:

This green infrastructure finance mechanism is an innovative financial framework that provides a tool for mobilizing resources to implement restoration. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) designed and will test this first-ever mechanism that leverages the protective service of reefs and secures that ecosystem service with an insurance policy and funding structure. In partnership with the State Government of Quintana Roo, academic institutions, and the tourism and insurance industries, the project lays the groundwork for vulnerable coastal communities to strengthen both physical and financial resilience against climate change. This pilot project will support tourism and local communities by funding reef and beach protection and restoration after severe storms.

STAPER categories:
  • B2: Review, improve or establish a legal and policy framework for land tenure
  • B9: Develop plans for resource mobilization

Resource Type:
Web-based Resource

The Nature Conservancy
