Coastal Resilience Success Stories (NFWF Case Studies)

NFWF Grantees/ERG

Publication Date:

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) commissioned ERG to conduct a yearlong project in 2021 to gather and share best practices from coastal resilience practitioners to enhance implementation of coastal resilience efforts across the United States. The project encompassed a review of more than 100 source documents, as well as interviews with resilience practitioners. NFWF and ERG used the findings from this research to develop eight case studies documenting successful projects throughout the country.

STAPER categories:
  • A3: Involve all relevant stakeholders
  • B10: Promote and support capacity-building, training, and technology transfer
  • C3: Develop ecosystem restoration plans with clear/measurable objectives and goals  
  • D2: Adjust plans, expectations, procedures, and monitoring through adaptive management
  • D3: Share lessons learned from planning, financing, implementing and monitoring ecosystem restoration plans

Resource Type:
Web-based Resource

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
