Charting the evidence landscape: A systematic map and bibliometric analysis of ecological restoration in Canada

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Tim Alamenciak, Dorian Pomezanski, Stephen D. Murphy

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This presentation discusses the use of bibliometric analysis (using the R package Bibliometrix) paired with a systematic map to characterize and synthesize the body of literature for restoration ecology in Canada. Ecological Restoration Knowledge Synthesis is a nationally-funded knowledge synthesis project that has involved a systematic literature review, interviews and case studies to synthesize ecological restoration knowledge in Canada. Our review examined both peer reviewed and grey literature using bibliometric analysis and systematic map methodologies. We will demonstrate how we used the Bibliometrix package to draw conclusions about a selection of 3,013 peer-reviewed journal articles. The analysis from Bibliometrix highlighted key clusters of literature including peatlands restoration and reforestation. We then conducted a systematic map on studies that measured the outcomes of ecological interventions. The bibliometric analysis process helped inform the scope of our systematic map by providing overall insights about the body of literature. The systematic map involved extensive literature searching and screening to track the exclusions and data extraction. The extracted data was analyzed to produce graphs that give insight into the state of the research. The resulting analysis blends Bibliometrix with a systematic map, resulting in a methodology that can be used to characterize a wide body of subject-specific literature. This analysis also highlights specific gaps in the research that could be satisfied by further synthesis involving meta-analyses of the studies in particular techniques or of evidence for interventions into specific ecosystems.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
