Can SER Ecological Restoration Standards become the “Green Standard” for Ecological Restoration?: Development of Standards in International Law

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Anastasia Telesetsky

Publication Date:

The implementation of “generally accepted international regulation and standards”(GAIRS) changes behavior. GAIRS have played an important role in the international practice of marine law and labor regulation. As the Global Decade for Ecological Restoration is launched, there are many questions about how States might demonstrate implementation of the legal duty to ecological restoration embodied in numerous treaty obligations. While the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) does not explicitly reference GAIRS, it would be possible to develop a mechanism to allow for the development of international standards for ecological restoration that could be implemented domestically by Parties to the CBD. Using the International Plant Protection Convention as a model, this presentation will argue for the adoption of a protocol to CBD to allow for the development of international and regional standards to support the harmonization of ecological restoration work particularly for transboundary projects. The presentation will explain some history of adopting previous CBD protocols and annex. International restoration standards currently advanced by the Society for Ecological Restoration could be translated into “generally accepted international standards” but this will require additional action from States either in the form of a protocol or an annex to the CBD.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
