Beyond tree plantation: Atlantic Forest restoration with Misiones`s local communities

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Claudia Amicone, Jonatan Villalba, Lucía Lazzari

Publication Date:

Misiones`s (Argentina) maintains half of its original Upper Parana Atlantic Forest distribution. However, it`s loss and fragmentation is an important issue that can affect biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and diminish ecosystem services for human well-being. Seeking to improve local communities’ livelihoods, recover watersheds` forests, and establishing biological corridors, in 2008 Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina started a restoration project with local farmers in Andresito and recently in San Pedro. These are key areas to restore, as they connect remaining core areas of the Optimal Landscape for Jaguar Conservation. Since quality and quantity water was one of the main problem to be addressed by the families, from 2015 work focused on improving water access for domestic and agricultural use. As to offer an alternative sustainable income, we helped a group of local farmers to produce and sell vegetables under better agricultural practices, connecting them directly with hotels and restaurants. From 2019, aiming to increase sapling availability and building capacities on local communities, we are working with Agricultural Family Schools to consolidate tree nurseries through support, technical advice and students and teachers` training. This can increase awareness in future land use decision makers (small scale farmers), and generate a potential economical income to the school. As a result of more than 10 years we have achieved 308 ha directly restored (101 families), and built 10 water supply systems and 31 springs upgraded (281 families). Forest Landscape Restoration is not just about planting trees, it`s a social agreement and needs to be addressed with a landscape approach.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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