Best practices for implementing forest landscape restoration in South Asia: An international knowledge sharing workshop

International Union of Forest Research Organizations

Publication Date:

In 2018, the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment and Forest Department, Sri Lanka, in cooperation with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and others, members of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) held a knowledge-sharing workshop on best practices in implementing forest landscape restoration in South Asian countries. The workshop aimed at: Sharing and discussing lessons from current state-of-the-art scientific and technical knowledge on FLR both at global and regional scales; Connecting FLR experts in South Asia and further stimulating exchanges of information, thus providing feedback into national and global FLR policy initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge process; Identifying challenges of current land management and impediments to sustainable land management and ecosystem functionality across the region; and Contributing to the development of a regional FLR implementation strategy in support of continuous sub-regional learning, sharing of experiences and FLR practice improvements. This webpage houses a summary of the workshop conclusions, as well as all of the workshop presentations.

STAPER categories:
  • A2: Identify/prioritize locations for meeting national contributions to Aichi Targets
  • A3: Involve all relevant stakeholders
  • A5: Assess institutional, policy, and legal frameworks & identify financial/technical resources
  • B6: Review, improve or establish targets, policies and strategies for ecosystem restoration
  • B10: Promote and support capacity-building, training, and technology transfer
  • C1: Identify appropriate measures for conducting ecosystem restoration
  • C2: Consider how restoration can support sustainability of agriculture/production
  • C4: Develop explicit implementation tasks, schedules, and budgets
  • C5: Implement the measures
  • D3: Share lessons learned from planning, financing, implementing and monitoring ecosystem restoration plans

Resource Type:
Web-based Resource

