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Laura Graham, Andri Thomas , Jhanson Regalino , Amanda Sinclair , Yenni Vetrita , Robert Yokelson , Grahame Applegate , Bambang Saharjo , Mark Cochrane
Publication Date:
High quality scientific research can and should feed into restoration practice on the ground to ensure improved and targeted efforts, success, and sustainability. Creating strong links between science and practice should be a key project goal. In this case-study we highlight how the UMCES-IPB NASA Peat Fire Research project has partnered with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation since 2014 to date. Whilst the main outputs of this project are scientific: improving methods and calculations on carbon emissions from peat fires, we discuss how both the scientific findings and broader learnings from the project have been applied in the field, for local government and community stakeholders and restoration practitioners working on the ground. These include improved fire management practices, improved hydrology monitoring techniques, more targeted reforestation efforts, enhanced engagement and communication with surrounding communities, and supporting institutional capacity. Whilst BOSF’s ultimate goal is to ensure sustainable wild orang-utans populations, we are aware this cannot be achieved without applying an interdisciplinary, multi-sector, community-based, landscape-scale approach to all our activities. This includes improved management and reduction of tropical peatland fires and haze through holistic, integrative applied research and restoration efforts.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program