An Integrated Approach Via Ecology, Fluvial Geomorphology and Nature-Based Solutions as A Restoration Path in An Amazonian Stream Disturbed by Silt And Clay

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Rodrigo Felix, Kayza Pereira, Maria Paula Silva, Bianca Silva, Reinaldo Bozelli, Marcos Figueiredo-Barros

Publication Date:

Silting due to mining activities may cause loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in streams. The aim of this research was to evaluate the environmental integrity and test restoration methods through nature-based solutions (NBS) in an Amazonian stream disturbed by fine sediments in n Carajás National Forest (Brazil).. An integrated assessment of fluvial geomorphology and limnological characteristics was carried out in search of remaining habitats and priority areas for restoration. Experiments were carried out to reduce the runoff of fine particles by litter addition, and to search for riparian species capable of developing vegetative propagation on disturbed soil. Over 5 km downstream from the mining area, there was a reduced diversity of benthic organisms and minerals in the riverbed. However, from the third kilometer downstream, greater canopy cover, less fine sediment deposition were found in the channel. The semi-confined areas (up to 3km downstream the mining area) were characterized by reduced longitudinal slope, fragmented forest, thick layer of silt and clay (average = 35cm) in the sediment, buried microhabitats on the riverbed, thus highlighting the areas that demand priority recovery actions. Two riparian species were found capable of developing in silty-clayey soils, and it was observed the potential of using suspended wood in the water as microhabitats for macro-invertebrate colonization. It was also observed that the addition of coarse litter on the soil reduced runoff, turbidity and TSS, showing that the interventions regarding NBS tested on an experimental scale in this research can be suggested as actions for a restoration program.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
