A Significant Initiation of West Java Government in Creating 20-Year Master Plan for Ecosystem Restoration, Case Study: West Java Creative Forest

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Amarizni Mosyaftiani, Epi Kustiawan, Aris Dwi Subiantoro, Wahyu Nugroho, Echa Fadhila Rahmawati

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The land degradation has occurred in Blok Cikanyere, North Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia since 1994. It has triggered landslides in the rainy season and water scarcity in the dry season that have been faced by the surrounding communities. The provincial government took over the land in 2019. West Java Creative Forest is the West Java Government Ecosystem Restoration Program that was begun in 2020 under the Forestry Service to carry out reforestation and land rehabilitation, covering 144.67 ha area. The research-based design was generated through SWOT, bio-physic, and spatial analysis. The studies are needed in creating a West Java Creative Forest master plan for the span of 20 years proposing the concept of ecocentrism. It was designated as the restoration planning concept that can be translated into three principles based on the analysis and local conditions: restorative landscape, local wisdom, and multifunctional forest principle. These were incorporated into three main zones of restoration areas: Protection Zone, Ecotourism Zone, and Limited Use Zone. The zonation will be utilized for restoration ecosystem education, research, and ecotourism activity in the future. Cross-sector partnerships are required to implement this master plan into successful ecosystem restoration action in providing ecological, economic, and social benefits. Thus, the West Java Creative Forest project will be a tremendous achievement to be executed by the West Java Forestry Service in providing the first long-term specific action plan for the ecosystem restoration project.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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