A New Imperative for Improving Management of Large Marine Ecosystems

Duda, A.M. and K. Sherman

Publication Date:

This paper describes GEF supported processes being used to assist them in adopting a science- driven, ecosystem-based approach to the management of human activities affecting coastal and marine ecosystems and linked freshwater basins. At risk are renewable goods and services valued at $10.6 trillion per year. A total of10 LME projects involving 72 countries have been approved by the GEF Council, and another 7 LMEs involving 54 countries have GEF international waters projects under preparation. A five-module assessment and management methodology is being tested that moves the countries toward adopting practical joint governance institutions through place-based management. This LME approach engages stakeholders, fosters the participation of the science community, and leads to the development ofadaptive management institutions. Comprehensive initiatives in four LMEs are described.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Ocean & Coastal Management
