Resource Database

©Danilo Lima, Agripalm Ambiental

The RRC database contains a wide variety of resources and publications related to ecological restoration, and we are actively working to expand this collection. It is our aim to serve as the principal clearinghouse for information and tools to support the work of researchers, practitioners, land managers, educators, students, and anyone else interested in restoration. Use the filter tool below to search the database by title, author, resource type, keyword, or any combination of these factors.

Although SER does review all entries in the database for relevance and quality, these resources have not been rigorously reviewed or extensively vetted in every case, and SER therefore makes no claim as to their accuracy or accordance with generally accepted principles in the field. The database is provided as a resource for visitors to the SER website, and it is ultimately left to the individual user to make their own determinations about the quality and veracity of a given publication or resource.

If there is a resource we missed, please let us know! We are interested in current books, articles, technical documents, videos, and other resources that are directly relevant to ecological restoration science, practice or policy, as well as resources treating the social, cultural and economic dimensions of restoration.

Publication Year:
Resource Type


Ecological Restoration and the Law: A Guide for Community Conservation Groups


This handbook has been written for members of community conservation groups who wish to find out more about the legal implications of their work. It includes information about how to deal with some of the relevant aspects of the law, and provides references to other sources of legal information that expand upon what is said in this handbook.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Ecosystem Management for Improved Human Well-Being in the Lake Faguibine System: Conflict Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change


In June 2008 the government of Mali called upon the UN system to support the rehabilitation of the LFS and a pre-identification mission was conducted by UNEP in August. One of the main conclusions of the mission was that the current state of knowledge about the LFS is inadequate to be able to describe in detail what can and should be done for its full rehabilitation.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Forest Restoration in Finland: Monitoring Scheme and First Results


In order to evaluate the effectiveness of forest restoration a monitoring site network has been established. Effects of restoration on two focal species groups – beetles and polypores – are monitored along with the development of stand structure. The very first results obtained from the monitoring network show that increasing volume of dead wood increased the number of beetle species compared to the control plots both in pine-dominated and in spruce-dominated stands. The species communities composed largely of phloem feeders and their related species. These are usually good dispersers and thus well able to locate newly formed resources.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Global Re-Introduction Perspectives: Case-studies from Around the Globe


These three issues in the Global Re-introduction Perspectives series have been produced in the same standardized format as the previous one. The case-studies are arranged in the following order: Introduction, Goals, Success Indicators, Project Summary, Major Difficulties Faced, Major Lessons Learned, Success of Project with reasons for success or failure.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Mangroves and other Coastal Forests damaged by Tsunamis and other Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region


The Proceedings are a compendium of two meetings organised by ISME and ITTO in collaboration with a number of institutions in the host countries. This publication represents one of the outputs of the ISME/ITTO Pre-Project PPD 134/07 Rev. 1 (F) on Guidelines for the Restoration of Mangroves and other Coastal Forests damaged by Tsunamis and other Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Habitat Management Guide—Rangelands: Ecological Principles for the Strategic Management of Weeds in Rangeland Habitats


This publication takes a habitat-level approach to weeds in rangelands. It aims to provide an understanding of the ecological and anthropogenic forces driving weed invasions in Australian rangelands, and a set of principles for countering those invasions and their impacts. It does not provide detailed information on individual species or ‘operational’ recommendations about how to manage them.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Implementing Ecosystem-based Management Approaches in Canada’s Forests: A Science- Policy Dialogue


The following describes Nova Scotia’s progress in implementing ecosystem-based management. A hierarchical ecological planning framework is provided by Nova Scotia’s ecological land classification.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

IUCN-ICMM Roundtable Report on Restoration of Legacy Sites


The roundtable sought to take a forward-thinking and constructive approach, building on the examples of good practice in mine closure and post-mining regeneration projects identified in the survey, to determine how lessons can be transferred and developed for wider benefit. The roundtable served as a stimulus for improved understanding and trust-building among key stakeholders and provided a valuable initial forum for dialogue amongst all of those involved with legacy site restoration.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Knowledgebase for Lessons Learned and Good Practices in the Management of Coral Reefs


Now, researchers and resource managers can get helpful tips about proven strategies – or mistakes to avoid – in coral reef management in a new “Lessons Learned and Best Practices Toolkit.” It offers access to technical reports, project summaries and other practical information about coral reef management in eight key areas, such as program design, community participation, policy development, monitoring approaches and capacity building. A brief presents a review of lessons learned and best practices in the management of coral reefs based on the analysis of 30 projects funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) related to coral reefs and associated tropical marine ecosystems and 26 non-GEF funded projects. The key lessons learned and recommendations are grouped according to eight priority issues in coral reef management.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Managing Seagrasses for Resilience to Climate Change


This paper presents an overview of seagrasses, the impacts of climate change and other threats to seagrass habitats, as well as tools and strategies for managers to help support seagrass resilience.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Manual of Methods: Human, Ecological and Biophysical Dimensions of Tropical Dry Forests


The main purpose of this guidebook is to provide all Tropi-Dry researchers and field assistants with detailed and complete methodological protocols for all the research aspects considered in the IAI-funded project “Human, ecological and biophysical dimensions of Tropical Dry Forests.” The multiple localities covered and the numerous research teams involved in this investigation demand the use of standardized protocols across sites and research teams. By standardizing all methodologies, we will be able to perform valid comparisons of results across localities and propose regional patterns for some of the phenomena studied. We expect this manual to also become a primary reference for dry forest research throughout the tropics, allowing us to replicate our field research well beyond the boundaries of Tropi-Dry’s current study sites.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Master Plan for the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of the Ex-Mega Rice Project Area in Central Kalimantan


It is clear however, that the only truly sustainable use of peatland within the EMRP (and elsewhere) is as near as possible natural peat swamp forest. This ecosystem has evolved over millennia during which tree litter (leaves, woody material and roots) has contributed to peat accumulation while chemical and physical properties of the peat have influenced the biomass and nutrient cycling of the forest growing on top of it. Ecological and hydrological processes in peat swamp forest are in an equilibrium in which inputs of water and plant nutrients are balanced and large amounts are held in ‘store’ within the peat.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Methodological Recommendations for Botanic Gardens on the Reintroduction of Rare and Threatened Plants


Methodological approaches for the reintroduction of rare species of plants are given. Issues of terminology and the selection of objects for reintroduction are discussed. Features of preliminary studies, selection of initial material, determination of natural habitats, and processes for the creation and monitoring of reintroduced populations are described. Special attention is paid to the necessity of providing genetic diversity within created populations and thorough documentation of conducted works. A separate section is dedicated to the method of reintroduction of plant communities (agrosteppe creation method). Examples of practical experience of reintroduction of rare species in various regions of Russia (Bashkortostan, the Far East, Irkutsk and Vladimir regions) are given.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Multivariate Responses of the Coral Reef Fish Community to Artificial Structures and Coral Transplants


The effects of artificial structures and coral transplants on fish abundance, number of species, and community composition were examined during a two-year study at three locations in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. At all locations, multivariate dispersion of the fish community samples decreased with increasing complexity of the experimental plots. The results underline the importance of reef context in the selection of appropriate restoration measures and show that results may differ depending on condition of the ambient reef.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Payments for Ecosystem Services – Getting Started: A Primer


This primer forms part of the activities implemented within the Global Strategy for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Follow-Up, and offers a starting point from which to assess the potential for PES in specific communities around the world. It also provides pointers for designing and planning PES transactions. Community-benefit driven, or “pro-poor” PES, is the main focus of this work.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Prioritisation for Adaptation in Tropical Forest Ecosystems


This paper uses the experiences gained under the Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation project of the Center for International Forest Research across three continents to propose a priority-setting process with active participation of multiple stakeholders in tropical ecosystems in developing countries perceived in their judgment to be crucial for adaptation to climate change. By attributing values to forest ecosystem goods and services for all stakeholders, prioritization represents a common position by multiple stakeholders linking their interests and practices for a common purpose.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Rio Tinto and Biodiversity: Achieving Results on the Ground


Rio Tinto’s goal is to have a “net positive impact” (NPI) on biodiversity. This means minimising the impacts of our business and contributing to biodiversity conservation to ensure a region ultimately benefits as a result of our presence. Our biodiversity strategy was launched in 2004 at the IUCN World Congress in Bangkok. This booklet provides information about Rio Tinto’s biodiversity strategy, our approach and progress in its implementation and the tools and processes we have developed to help achieve our NPI goal.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Riparian Tree and Shrub Propagation Handbook: An Aid to Riverine Restoration in the Mediterranean Region


This guide has been conceived as a support tool for nursery managers, and for others who are not specialists but are in one way or another involved in the production of riparian plant species for hydrological restoration projects. It offers useful data on the production of seeds, parts of plants and plants belonging to a large series of tree, shrub and lianoid species that may be employed in fluvial systems of the Mediterranean region. It provides information on species that are dominant in the riparian vegetation of the region, on species whose propagation may be of interest due to their potential interaction with some species of fauna and on species that are traditionally used for hydrological restoration purposes. Although some of the included taxons are not strictly riparian, but originate in the Mediterranean shrub and forest communities, they can develop optimally in these environments, especially in extremely dry areas.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Salt Marsh Restoration and Creation: Ways to Global Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation


Salt marsh restoration and creation are a necessity since this ecosystem plays many important social, cultural, economic and ecological functions and it has been destroyed or degraded all around the world. In addition, salt marsh creation and restoration may be used to affront the negative consequences of Global Climate Change and to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Thus, salt marsh bioengineering may be used to reduce deleterious effects of flooding events after torrential rains or the impacts of storms, sea level rise and hurricanes on coastal areas. On the other hand, the creation and restoration of European salt marshes using native species such as Spartina maritima (small cordgrass) may be used as a mitigation strategy.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Studies on Vulnerability and Habitat Restoration along the Coromandel Coast


This document consolidates the learning of one of the four components of the UNDP-PTEI Phase II. The primary goal of the component was to build protocols for restoration of coastal habitats based on a combination of literature reviews and field experience. This document presents the findings of studies conducted on the impacts of the tsunami and vulnerabilities of communities and habitats along the Coromandel coast. It also presents strategies that were evolved and tested for the restoration of coastal habitats.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Sustainable Riparian Zones: A Management Guide


This publication is a compilation of themes related with the ecology, restoration and assessment of riparian zones. This guide is intended as a practical tool that will be very useful for managers and those professionally engaged in river and riverside conservation and/or restoration. This book aims to give the reader an overall view of what these natural systems are and how they function. This volume can be approached either in order of chapters or by singling out individual chapters as the reader’s own interests and needs dictate. It attempts to address most of the main subjects and aspects that affect the integrity of riparian ecosystems, always trying to take a broad view that will be applicable to the vast majority of cases. Nevertheless, a marked Mediterranean tendency is evident, owing to the origin of most of the authors and to the context in which it arose.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Technical Support to EU Strategy on Invasive Species (IAS) – Policy Options to Control the Negative Impacts of IAS on Biodiversity in Europe and the EU


This report forms part of a broader study for the European Commission to provide Technical Support for the Development of an EU framework on Invasive Alien Species (IAS). Building on evidence that IAS have significant negative impacts upon Europe’s environment, key economic sectors and human well-being, it aims to identify policy measures and packages available to the Commission to minimise IAS damage to European biodiversity in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

The Ecosystem Approach: Learning from Experience


In selecting the case studies, it was CEM’s view that the Ecosystem Approach, to be properly tested, had to be applied in multiple-use landscapes where Protected Areas formed no part, or only one among several parts, of the whole ecosystem. The approach also needed to be seen to be applicable in a variety of different kinds of biome. Thus we have here the analysis of overlapping ecosystems in an area of dry sahelian West Africa which contains no protected areas at all; of a Mekong delta wetland area with an very hard boundary and little relationship with the lands and livelihoods that lie beyond; of the developing symbiosis between a logging concession and protected areas in northern Congo-Brazzaville; of a Panamanian archipelago containing both protected and sustainable use areas, being overwhelmed by a rapid increase in tourism; and of Indonesian Papua where the forestry department is trying to use ecosystem approach ideas to adjudicate between the competing demands of conservation, logging, conversion of forest to oil-palm, and local community use of forest in highland, lowland and coastal areas.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

The Nature of Drylands: Diverse Ecosystems, Diverse Solutions


IUCN’s emerging drylands strategy focuses on sustainable and equitable management of biodiversity, improved climate change policies and adaptation practice that reflect the needs of dryland biodiversity and people, implementation of sustainable energy systems, improved livelihoods and poverty reduction, and integrating ecosystem conservation values with economic policy. The strategy is informed by the major issues that the world’s drylands face and is consistent with the IUCN Programme 2009-2012. The draft IUCN Strategy on Drylands and Desertification will be discussed with Members and Partners at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008. Only by working together and sharing our vast and diverse expertise on the sustainable management of dryland ecosystems will the big environmental issues of today be solved.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

The Santa Maria Ecological Restoration Initiative


A company’s biodiversity record influences its ability to access land, sea and other natural resources essential for its operations, as well as its ability to obtain both the legal and socialright to operate in an area. It also affects a company’s access to capital and insurance, particularly given that impact on biodiversity loss is increasingly recognized as a material risk for business by investors, financial institutions and insurance companies. For CEMEX, the protection of ecosystem services is fundamental to its ability to be a real conservation player and ensure the continuity of its business. CEMEX’s Santa Maria Ecological Restoration Initiative aims to establish special relationships with key stakeholders, including government, NGOs, educational and research institutions. These relationships allow CEMEX to show its commitment to and respect for ecosystems, ensuring the sustainability of the natural resources needed by the company, ultimately impacting on its image and credibility in terms of environmental activities.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Un Guide pour de Meilleures Pratiques de Reve_ge_talisation dans les Pyre_ne_es

Abstract: Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Wetland Vision Technical Document: Overview and Reporting of Project Philosophy and Technical Approach


The Vision provides a philosophical and technical framework that highlights the potential for wetland creation and supports those who want to make a difference through delivery at the local level. This project re-affirms the partnership’s commitment to the creation and restoration of wetlands and, by sharing the details of our work, we hope others are inspired to do the same.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2008

Fish Community Responses to Ecosystem Stressors in Coastal Estuarine Wetlands: A Functional Basis for Wetlands Management and Restoration


Functional responses of estuarine fish species to environmental perturbations such as wetland impoundment, changes in water quality, and sediment accretion are investigated. The study focuses on the feeding, growth and habitat use by California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis), topsmelt (Antherinops affinis), and juvenile California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) in impacted coastal wetlands to provide an ecological basis for guidance on the management and restoration of these ecosystems.

Resource Type:Peer-reviewed Article
Publication Date: 2008

Forest Management, Restoration, and Designer Ecosystems: Integrating Strategies for a Crowded Planet


As the global human population increases, the demand to conserve, restore, create, and sustainably manage ecosystems will increase as well. Forested ecosystems are of particular interest because of the biodiversity they support and their diverse values to people. Developments in conservation, restoration forestry, and in the study of designer ecosystems provide a diverse set of tools with which to pursue sustainable forestry goals. Nonetheless, we suggest that sustainable forestry can only be achieved by fully considering ecological, economic, and social needs in landscapes. This will require a clear realization of the trade-offs in site- specific management approaches and a multifaceted, landscape-scale perspective for evaluation of sustainability criteria. We propose collaborative creation of Sustainable Forestry Portfolios as a means to encourage the breadth of thinking required to guide sustainable forest management.

Resource Type:Peer-reviewed Article
Publication Date: 2008

Functionality of Restored Mangroves: A Review


Widespread mangrove degradation coupled with the increasing awareness of the importance of these coastal forests have spurred many attempts to restore mangroves but without concomitant assessment of recovery (or otherwise) at the ecosystem level in many areas. This paper reviews literature on the recovery of restored mangrove ecosystems using relevant functional indicators. The paper finally recommends various mangrove restoration pathways in a functional framework dependent on site conditions and emphasizes community involvement and ecosystem level monitoring as integral components of restoration projects.

Resource Type:Peer-reviewed Article
Publication Date: 2008