Resource Database

©Danilo Lima, Agripalm Ambiental

The RRC database contains a wide variety of resources and publications related to ecological restoration, and we are actively working to expand this collection. It is our aim to serve as the principal clearinghouse for information and tools to support the work of researchers, practitioners, land managers, educators, students, and anyone else interested in restoration. Use the filter tool below to search the database by title, author, resource type, keyword, or any combination of these factors.

Although SER does review all entries in the database for relevance and quality, these resources have not been rigorously reviewed or extensively vetted in every case, and SER therefore makes no claim as to their accuracy or accordance with generally accepted principles in the field. The database is provided as a resource for visitors to the SER website, and it is ultimately left to the individual user to make their own determinations about the quality and veracity of a given publication or resource.

If there is a resource we missed, please let us know! We are interested in current books, articles, technical documents, videos, and other resources that are directly relevant to ecological restoration science, practice or policy, as well as resources treating the social, cultural and economic dimensions of restoration.

Publication Year:
Resource Type


East Kootenay Grassland Ecosystem Restoration: Project Synthesis: 2005-2010


The projects identified in this report lie primarily within the Rocky Mountain Trench, an area that has been impacted over the past six decades by accelerated forest encroachment onto historic grasslands and a lack of natural fire. Within this geographic area, a wide range of public groups and stakeholders have developed a strategic Ecosystem Restoration Plan, “A Blueprint for Action” (2006, Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Steering Committee). This document, and associated updates, describes a collaborative approach to conducting ER planning activities and treatments consistent with higher level planning documents and strategies. Approximately 4500 hectares of ER treatment on Crown lands are targeted annually through partnerships within the East Kootenay Trench to mitigate ongoing open habitat losses across the land base. A total of over 5.2 million dollars has been invested to complete ER associated activities in the East Kootenay Trench between 2005 and 2010.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Ecological Forecasting Tools and Planning of Ecosystem Restoration Projects


This technical note reviews some of the most commonly used USACE forecasting tools and models in ecological restoration. It outlines an approach for comparing these tools that will help USACE planners and their project stakeholders better identify and select appropriate forecasting models. Although this technical note is not a primer or a selection metatool (i.e., a tool to select tools), it is hoped that this note will contribute to a long-term goal of USACE staff (both planners and researchers) to become better-informed developers and consumers of ecological forecasting tools. Secondarily, this note is intended to give researchers a clearer view of what USACE planners need (but do not have available) with regard to ecological forecasting capabilities.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Ecosystem Restoration Program – Rocky Mountain Trench Forest Stewardship Plan 2013-2018


This plan outlines the process, management objectives and proposed Ecosystem Restoration projects for the Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program. It should be noted at the start that although co-ordinated by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations out of the Rocky Mountain Resource District, the Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program is a coalition of forest and range licensees, naturalist, hunting, angling and environmental clubs, and government agencies united in a goal of restoring the grasslands and historic open forest conditions of the Rocky Mountain Trench.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Global Assessment of Opportunities for Restoration of Forests and Landscapes


This assessment determines, in a coarse but globally consistent way, the extent and location of opportunities for restoration of forests and landscapes as well as the associated potential for carbon sequestration. The results should stimulate interest in restoration among international and national policy-makers, help set the global agenda on restoration, and serve as a point of departure for more detailed assessment at the national and regional levels.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Green Hills, Blue Cities: An Ecosystems Approach to Water Resources Management for African Cities


This report, jointly produced by UNEP and UN-HABITAT in collaboration with the Africa Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) and funded by Tongji University, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Bayer Foundation, shows that there is a way forward for a more sustainable future where restoration of ecosystems, often in the green hills and watersheds surrounding cities, can provide cheaper, efficient and resilient water supply systems in a changing world.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Gui_a para la Aplicacio_n y Monitoreo del Enfoque Ecosiste_mico


La presente gui_a es un instrumento que permite hacer una ra_pida valoracio_n del nivel de aplicacio_n del Enfoque Ecosiste_mico (EE), por medio de un conjunto de preguntas que abordan aspectos fundamentales de la gestio_n de los ecosistemas para poder afirmar que el enfoque se esta_ aplicando en un espacio geogra_fico determinado, en un proyecto o en algu_n esquema de intervencio_n del territorio.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Guidelines for Monitoring Peatland Restoration


The aim of this guidance is to provide information to enable peatland restoration projects to develop appropriate monitoring programmes. Degraded peatlands are restored for a wide range of reasons. Restoration objectives can include protecting and enhancing biodiversity, improving water quality, reducing flood risk and protecting cultural heritage or carbon stores. Restoration projects need monitoring programmes to show whether these objectives are being met and to help them to adapt practices to respond to environmental changes.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Improving Forest Governance in the Mekong Region, Volume 1


This report identifies opportunities for regional activities to improve forest governance in the Mekong countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar. The major objective of the proposed activities is to combat illegal logging and associated trade and improve forest governance in these countries. Doing so will contribute to improving livelihoods and economic development that rely on the long-term responsible and legal management of the region’s forest resources.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Island Invasives: Eradication and Management


The papers and abstracts published in this book are the outcome of the conference on Island Invasives: Eradication and Management held at Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland, New Zealand, from 8 to 12 February 2010, hosted by the Centre for Biodiversity and Biosecurity (University of Auckland and Landcare Research), in collaboration with the IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group. This conference had “islands” and “eradication of invasive species” as the focus, with emphasis on the work done and results or learning achieved. The conference endeavoured to cover the full breadth of this work by breaking the subject down to: Gaining political, community, financial, and physical support; Eradication techniques tested and used; The immediate results of eradication operations; The longer-term outcomes as seen in the biota of the island and among communities involved; Biosecurity measures for such islands from planning to implementation.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

La Restauracio_n Ecolo_gica en la Practica: Memorias del I Congreso Colombiano de Restauracio_n Ecolo_gica


El I Congreso Colombiano de Restauracion tuvo los siguientes objetivos: 1. Contribuir a la difusion de las experiencias de restauracion ecologica desarrolladas en diferentes regiones del pais y otros paises, 2. Brindar un espacio para que entidades, grupos, investigadores y personas naturales interesadas en la restauracion ecologica, interactuen e intercambien experiencias, 3. Aportar un espacio para el fortalecimiento de la Red Colombiana de Restauracion Ecologica y la revision de los logros obtenidos hasta ahora, 4. Promover la cooperacion e intercambio de informacion, en torno al desarrollo de la Restauracion Ecologica en Colombia y 5. Generar acciones concretas que permitan el desarrollo academico de nuevas lineas de investigacion dentro de la Ecologia de la Restauracion y la implementacion de nuevos programas de restauracion en el pais.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Le Drainage des Tourbie_res: Impacts et Techniques de Remouillage


Puisque chaque tourbie_re est unique en raison de sa position ge_ographique, sa composition, son hydrologie, sa topographie, son a_ge, le type et le degre_ de perturbations qu’elle a subies (par exemple, re_colte de la tourbe), les re_percussions du drainage diffe_rent d’une tourbie_re a_ l’autre. Toutefois, le drainage entrai_ne des conse_quences dans chacune des tourbie_res touche_es par ce phe_nome_ne. Au Que_bec, spe_cialement dans le sud de la province, ou_ les tourbie_res naturelles se font de plus en plus rares, il est essentiel de mesurer l’importance de nos actions sur ces milieux utiles en biens et services e_cologiques pour un meilleur support de vie, incluant l’humain.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Maintenance of Hydropower Potential in Rwanda Through Ecosystem Restoration


Today, through protection of the watershed surrounding the Ntaruka hydropower station, the plant has returned to full operational capacity. But the electricity crisis also spurred Rwanda to diversify its energy portfolio with support from the private sector. These initiatives include the capture of methane gas from Lake Kivu, use of geothermal energy and promotion of the country’s abundant peat deposits for electricity production. The story of Rwanda’s electricity sector demonstrates the need for diverse approaches to addressing complex problems and, in particular, the importance of integrated watershed management in promoting energy security.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Mangrove Restoration and Rehabilitation for Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam


This case study examines the governance enabled by Vietnam’s socialist-oriented market economy to meet the uncertainties posed by climate change scenarios and ongoing system- level shocks. More specifically, the governance of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation as a climate change adaptation measure is examined in this regard.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Mitigating Climate Change through Restoration and Management of Coastal Wetlands and Near-shore Marine Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities


The technical report, prepared by consolidates information from the literature and provides analysis on the climate change mitigation potential of seagrasses and coastal wetlands, including coastal peats, tidal freshwater wetlands, salt marshes and mangroves.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Oak-hickory Ecosystem Restoration to Support Sustainable Appalachian Communities


The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy outlined in this proposal will leverage core restoration work and existing partnerships to accomplish in ten years what would take 20- 25 years under current funding trends. The leveraged funding would accomplish more restoration in a shorter timeframe, and also give additional momentum and incentive for formalizing collaborative processes, finding efficiencies and striving toward an all-lands approach.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Plan Nacional de Restauracio_n de Ecosistemas


Tomando como punto de partida el ejercicio de planeacio_n “Visio_n Colombia Segundo Centenario”, en 2019 Colombia debera_ alcanzar sus metas de desarrollo econo_mico y social con fundamento en el aprovechamiento sostenible del medio ambiente, los recursos naturales y la biodiversidad. Aunado a lo anterior, el presente plan da respuesta a la estrategia dirigida a Promover la restauracio_n de ecosistemas degradados y de especies amenazadas” de la Poli_tica Nacional de Biodiversidad PNB, 1998 y a la de adoptar e implementar el Plan Nacional de Restauracio_n para el desarrollo de procesos de recuperacio_n, rehabilitacio_n y restauracio_n de a_reas disturbadas, incluida en la propuesta actual de la Poli_tica Nacional para la Gestio_n integral de la Biodiversidad y sus Servicios Ecosiste_micos 2010, en adelante PNGIBSE. E_ste plan incluye la conceptualizacio_n relacionada con los impulsores o motores de pe_rdida y transformacio_n identificados en la Evaluacio_n de Ecosistemas del Milenio y retomados en la PNGIBSE3, como las fuerzas que influyen y afectan directamente el suministro de servicios ecosiste_micos. Dentro de e_stas fuerzas, surgen los disturbios como eventos no planeados que afectan la estructura y la funcio_n de los ecosistemas generando a_reas disturbadas.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Practical River Restoration Appraisal Guidance for Monitoring Options (PRAGMO)


PRAGMO is a guidance document that aims to assist all practitioners in the process of setting monitoring protocols as part of a river restoration project. Because there is a wide range of organisations, with a range of knowledge and abilities, this guidance seeks to include monitoring strategies suitable for different groups. Steps outlined are intended to support technical staff working for competent authorities, consultancies and academic institutions as well as organisations with limited funds, which may need to demonstrate success to Trustees and funders. As a ‘living’ document, the techniques and methods will be updated over time.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Quick Guide to Monitoring Economic Impacts of Ecosystem Restoration and Stewardship


This guide is a companion to A Quick Guide to Conducting an Ecosystem Workforce Assessment, which describes how to conduct a workforce assessment and A Quick Guide for Planning a Quality Jobs Program, which describes how to use assessment tools to create an action plan for improving local economic benefit from restoration. The guide can be used with economic forecasting tools such as the Ecosystem Workforce Program’s Restoration Economic Impact Calculator for Oregon Counties and the U.S. Forest Service’s Treatments for Restoration Economic Analysis Tool (TREAT).

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Restauracio_n Ecolo_gica de Riberas: Manual para la Recuperacio_n de la Vegetacio_n Riberen_a en Arroyos de la Selva Lacandona


El manual describe los problemas y limitaciones cuando se quiere restaurar las riberas y al mismo tiempo brinda opciones para la seleccio_n de las herramientas ma_s adecuadas en cada caso. Presenta un listado de especies con uso potencial para la restauracio_n, y recomienda co_mo sembrar y disponer estas especies en distintas situaciones.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Rwanda Forest and Landscape Restoration


The Government of Rwanda announced in the beginning of 2011 an ambitious plan to integrate landscape restoration into it’s national development plans and to pursue a goal that would witness large-scale border to border restoration of land, soil, forest and water resources for the benefit of the Rwandan population over the next twenty five years based on an Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government of Rwanda, IUCN and the United Nations Forum on Forests.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Scientific Design of a Resilient Network of Marine Protected Areas – Lesser Sunda Ecoregion


In this document, we describe the process to develop a scientific design of a resilient network of MPAs for the Lesser Sunda Ecoregion, based on a detailed scientific assessment and an extensive stakeholder consultation process. This process included developing a GIS database of best available information, identifying key conservation features, threats and uses of the area, applying state of the art conservation planning tools and facilitating input from relevant government agencies, local stakeholders and scientific experts though a series of workshops and meetings.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Socio-Economic Indicators for Forest Restoration Projects


This report, developed by the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute through a grant from the USDA Forest Service, Southwest Region, will help us better understand the social and economic outcomes of forest restoration projects. Importantly, it provides a framework for assessing the contributions of forest restoration efforts to local economies and restoration-based businesses. Forest restoration in the southwestern United States lies at the intersection of forest health, rural economic development and wildfire prevention. Critical to restoration efforts is the ability to evaluate their effectiveness, especially as they relate to improvements in social and economic conditions of stakeholders and local communities.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

South Africa: Ecosystem-Based Planning for Climate Change


The intervention outlined in this case study is South Africa’s emerging strategy of ecosystem- based adaptation to climate change, based on maintaining sufficient intact natural habitat in an optimal configuration identified through systematic biodiversity planning. This has been done through: (i) producing biodiversity maps and guidelines in several provinces and municipalities that feed into spatial and development planning; and (ii) developing a national strategy for expanding protected areas. Climate change design principles (e.g prioritization of corridors, refugia areas where species may move to survive temperature increases, slopes with marked altitudinal changes in climate and large, connected remaining fragments) are explicitly used in the systematic biodiversity planning methodology underpinning both these interventions.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

The Potential for Mangrove Carbon Projects in Vietnam


The importance of mangroves in providing ecological services has been highlighted in discussions on global climate change, in particular with reference to Reduced Emissions from Forest Degradation and Deforestation Plus (REDD+). Mangroves have a relatively high Greenhouse Gas (GHG) removal capacity and thus higher potential to earn carbon revenues. The aim of this paper is to examine the potential for mangrove carbon projects in Vietnam.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Using the Maya Nut Tree to Increase Tropical Agroecosystem Resilience to Climate Change in Central America and Mexico


The Maya Nut tree increases agroecosystem resilience to climate change by ensuring food security during periods of drought and other extreme events such as hurricanes. Its deep and extensive root system helps retain soil during natural erosion or extreme events and enable the tree to access deeper ground water. The Maya Nut tree plays an important role in stabilizing riverbanks and maintaining flows from natural springs.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Best Management Practices for Shellfish Restoration


The objectives of the Best Practices for Shellfish Restoration (BMPs) project are to establish methods which include protocols for educational programs and safeguards to ensure that shellfish grown in unapproved areas do not reach the market. The project was recommended by the Shellfish Restoration Committee of the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC) at their biennial meeting in 2009. The Nature Conservancy (TNC), through a National Partnership with the NOAA Restoration Center, is working with ISSC on this project to guide future shellfish restoration projects that incorporate educational components designed to protect public health.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Caribbean Acropora Restoration Guide: Best Practices for Propagation and Population Enhancement


The purpose of this guide is to share the collective knowledge of a community of scientists and restoration practitioners who have been working both independently and collaboratively to restore populations of Acropora corals throughout the Caribbean. By sharing lessons learned from years of experience of in situ Acropora propagation and coral population enhancement in Florida and the Caribbean, we want to increase the success of others’ efforts and accelerate conservation and restoration at a regional scale. This guide provides best current practices for nursery and outplanting design and methodology. We use case studies to illustrate how these practices have been implemented in various projects throughout the Caribbean

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Conservation Benefits of Rangeland Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps


The rangeland literature synthesis provides an unprecedented source of evidence-based information to guide the development and assessment of management practices and conservation programs on the nation’s rangelands. It assesses the effectiveness of seven NRCS- recommended rangeland conservation practices: Prescribed Grazing, Prescribed Fire, Brush Management, Range Planting, Riparian Management Practices, Wildlife Management Practices, and Invasive Plant Management. Also assessed were two cross-cutting issues: A landscape approach to rangeland conservation, and a social and economic assessment of rangeland conservation practices. Conservation programs that promote adaptive management may more effectively balance variable forage production with livestock demand in addition to investment in infrastructure. Effective management will enhance both production of agricultural goods and provisioning of ecosystem services as outlined by CEAP. Greater development and delivery of management tools and guidelines to support adaptive grazing management will likely optimize multiple goods and services provided to society and conservation investment in grazed ecosystems.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

Draft Principles and Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-based Approaches to Adaptation in Project and Policy Design


This document proposes a series of draft principles and guidelines that were produced at a workshop with participation of its authors in June 2011, with the aim to serve as a foundation for planning ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation. The principles are intended to be used by decision makers in national policy in national, territorial and sector planning initiatives, in financial planning, and in project and research design. Hence, the draft set of guidelines is meant to support best-practices for the design and implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011

EC Guidance on the Implementation of the EU Nature Legislation in Estuaries and Coastal Zones


This guidance provides sector specific guidance on the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives in estuaries and coastal zones, and also helps citizens and stakeholders in better understanding key provisions of the Directives.

Resource Type:Technical Document
Publication Date: 2011