©Danilo Lima, Agripalm Ambiental
The RRC database contains a wide variety of resources and publications related to ecological restoration, and we are actively working to expand this collection. It is our aim to serve as the principal clearinghouse for information and tools to support the work of researchers, practitioners, land managers, educators, students, and anyone else interested in restoration. Use the filter tool below to search the database by title, author, resource type, keyword, or any combination of these factors.
Although SER does review all entries in the database for relevance and quality, these resources have not been rigorously reviewed or extensively vetted in every case, and SER therefore makes no claim as to their accuracy or accordance with generally accepted principles in the field. The database is provided as a resource for visitors to the SER website, and it is ultimately left to the individual user to make their own determinations about the quality and veracity of a given publication or resource.
If there is a resource we missed, please let us know! We are interested in current books, articles, technical documents, videos, and other resources that are directly relevant to ecological restoration science, practice or policy, as well as resources treating the social, cultural and economic dimensions of restoration.
Proyecto Islas: Restoring tropical forest in Costa Rica
Abstract:This 7-min video provides an overview of the 15-yr long study led by Rakan Zahawi and Karen Holl to test applied nucleation (planting tree islands) as a strategy to restore tropical forests. Their study comparing natural regeneration, applied nucleation, and tree plantations is replicated at 12 sites in southern Costa Rica
Resource Type:Audio/VideoPublication Date: 2018
Mapping forest vegetation for the continental US using modified random forests imputation of FIA forest plots
Abstract:Presented by SER-NW with Karin Riley with the USDA Forest Service. Maps of trees in forests are desirable for many applications. However, detailed mapping for large areas is not currently feasible, but statistical methods can populate landscapes with a limited set of data.
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Minnesota Legacy Fund Restoration Evaluation Program: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Minnesota Legacy Fund Restoration Evaluation Program
Presenters: Wade Johnson and Gina Quiram, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Implementation of Habitat in the Detroit Area of Concern (AOC) – Stony and Celeron Islands: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Implementation of Habitat in the Detroit Area of Concern (AOC) – Stony and Celeron Islands
Presenters: John O’Meary, Sam Lovall, Robert Burns, Alice Bailey, and Tricia Blicharski
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Integrated Restoration Prioritization: A Strategic Tool for Improving Natural Systems in the Greater Toronto Area and Determining Practical Key Performance Measures for Ecological Restoration Practitioners: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Integrated Restoration Prioritization: A Strategic Tool for Improving Natural Systems in the Greater Toronto Area Presenter: Andrew Ramesbottom
Topic: Determining Practical Key Performance Measures for Ecological Restoration Practitioners: Challenges and Considerations. Presenter: Patrick Esson
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Implementation of Successful Invasive Species Management Across Property Boundaries: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Implementation of Successful Invasive Species Management Across Property Boundaries
Presenter: Shawn Duke, Cardno
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Quality Assurance Best Practices for Data Review: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Quality Assurance Best Practices for Data Review
Presenter: Craig Palmer, GDIT
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Evaluating Vegetation Changes at Acacia Reservation: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Evaluating Vegetation Changes at Acacia Reservation
Presenter: Sarah Eysenbach, Cleveland Metroparks
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Setting Achievable Goals for Urban Stream Restoration Utilizing Stream Functions Pyramid: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Setting Achievable Goals for Urban Stream Restoration Utilizing Stream Functions Pyramid
Presenter: Jennifer Grieser, Cleveland Metroparks
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Long-term outcomes of tallgrass prairie reconstructions: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Long-term outcomes of tallgrass prairie reconstructions
Presenter: Diane Larson, US Geological Survey
Publication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Field and Flight: UAS data to support bottomland hardwood restoration monitoring: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Field and Flight: UAS data to support bottomland hardwood restoration monitoring
Presenter: Matt Struckhoff, US Geological Survey
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Citizen Monitoring for Community Engagement: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Citizen Monitoring for Community Engagement
Presenters: Sarah Dezwarte and Dale Katsma, Camp Y-Koda Outdoor Skills & Education
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2018
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Biodiversity Guidelines for Restoration Opportunities Assessments
Abstract:These guidelines are intended to provide more context, more resources and fresh perspectives to the ongoing global interaction between biodiversity conservation and forest landscape restoration. They do so in the context of the methodology used by dozens of countries and jurisdictions to help practitioners working on identifying and realising their landscape restoration goals — and they should be interpreted as a companion to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM).
Resource Type:Technical DocumentPublication Date: 2018
Alliance for Zero Extinction Global Map
Abstract:The Alliance for Zero Extinction identifies sites that must be effectively protected (and may require restoration) to ensure the survival of the world’s most threatened species.These sites are based on species groups that have been globally assessed by the IUCN Red List, including amphibians, birds, cacti, cone snails, conifers, corals, cycads, freshwater crabs, freshwater crayfish, freshwater shrimps, mammals, mangrove plants, selected marine fish (blennies, groupers, pufferfish, wrasses), selected reptiles (chameleons, crocodiles, iguanas, tortoises, turtles), sharks and rays, and selected birches.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
The location of each site is shown on a map and sites can be searched by country, taxonomic group, or area selected on the map interface. Data can be exported for GIS analysis as well as tabular information on the species at each site. This tool can contribute to activity A2.
Publication Date: 2018
Accelerating biodiversity commitments through forest landscape restoration: Evidence from assessments in 26 countries using the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
Abstract:Building on the information presented in the information document on restoration of forest ecosystems and landscapes as contribution to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets ( UNEP/CBD/COP/13/INF/11 ) prepared for the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the present document provides guidance, information and evidence about how forest landscape restoration (FLR) is already accelerating progress towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets , especially Targets 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity , through process – related activities (including biodiversity mainstreaming and capacity development). As forest landscape restoration activities start being implemented , they can also accelerate progress on the targets and vision through activity – based restoration interventions (sustainable management of natural resources, rehabilitation of degraded areas, and conservation of biodiversity) . Specific country examples are presented that illustrate the link between planned or implemented forest landscape restoration activities and national biodiversity targets that have been adopted in national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) , and demonstrate the connection made by Parties to the Convention between forest landscape restoration and ecosystem – based approaches to landscape restoration .
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
Specific country examples are presented that illustrate the link between planned or implemented FLR activities and national biodiversity targets that have been adopted in NBSAPs, and demonstrate the connection made by Parties to the Convention between FLR and ecosystem-based approaches to landscape restoration. In reviewing the linkages between FLR strategies and national biodiversity targets, these reports are of particular relevance to activity B6 and can facilitate the integration of FLR-related objectives and targets in NBSAPs as well as national reports to the CBD.
Publication Date: 2018
A Future for Data: An Overview of Data Management for Analysis, Decision-making and Reuse: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: A Future for Data: An Overview of Data Management for Analysis, Decision-making and Reuse
Presenter: Rob Sutter, CSRA
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Converting a Landfill to an Environmental Resource: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Converting a Landfill to an Environmental Resource
Presenter: Eric Forbes, Fairfax County
Publication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Volunteer Monitoring for Community Engagement: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Volunteer Monitoring for Community Engagement
Presenter: Kirsten Lyons, Friends of the St. Clair River
Publication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Federal Ecological Restoration Projects: An urban land manager’s perspective: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Federal Ecological Restoration Projects: An urban land manager’s perspective
Presenter: Lauren Umek, Chicago Park District
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Strategies for Successful Native Plantings, from Seed to Establishment and Beyond: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Strategies for Successful Native Plantings, from Seed to Establishment and Beyond
Presenter: Jason Zylka, US Army Corps of Engineers
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Stream Channel Restoration
Abstract:Topic: Stream Channel Restoration
Presenter: Lauren Vanden Berg, US Army Corps of Engineers
Publication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Developing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Developing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework
Presenter: Abram DaSilva
Publication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
From Datasheet to Spreadsheet: Managing Restoration Data Collected within the St. Clair-Detroit River System: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: From Datasheet to Spreadsheet: Managing Restoration Data Collected within the St. Clair-Detroit River System
Presenter: Kevin Keeler, US Geological Survey
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Extracting Maximum Value from Your Work: Emerging Federal Requirements and Tools for Data Sharing: IERQC Webinar
Abstract:Topic: Extracting Maximum Value from Your Work: Emerging Federal Requirements and Tools for Data Sharing
Presenter: David Rugg, US Forest Service
Resource Type:WebinarPublication Date: 2017
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Ecoregions 2017 Mapping Tool
Abstract:The Ecoregions 2017 mapping tool displays 846 global ecoregions, designating terrestrial ecoregions with more than half, less than half, and 20% or less remaining natural habitat.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
This type of mapping tool is useful for activity A1. Although this is a global assessment, it can help to scope out which ecoregions present at the national scale have lost most of their coverage globally. In combination with locally relevant sources of data on drivers of degradation it could help determine which ecoregions could be prioritized for restoration (A2).
Publication Date: 2017
Resources on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) – Forest Peoples Programme
Abstract:Free, Prior and Informed (FRIP) is a safeguarding system that can be used to engage stakeholders and protect their fundamental rights. The Forest Peoples Programme provides a list of resources in English, Spanish, and French on this topic.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
This is a safeguarding system that can be used to engage stakeholders and protect their fundamental rights (A3).
Publication Date: 2017
Building on synergies: Harnessing community and smallholder forestry for Sustainable Development Goals
Abstract:IUFRO’s Policy Brief “Building on synergies: Harnessing community and smallholder forestry for Sustainable Development Goals” explores the common constraints that undermine community and smallholder forestry around the world, including lack of fundamental rights (e.g., tenure), bureaucratic hurdles, unfavourable commercial arrangements and illegality. It explores avenues to overcome these constraints such as the development of a supportive institutional setting, unlocking economic opportunities, realizing education and capacity building programs, and increasing systematic monitoring of outcomes.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
By emphasizing the link between local land tenure rights and SDGs, this policy brief speaks to the legal and policy framework around land tenure emphasized by activity B2, the importance of strengthening education about restoration benefits in activity B3, and how restoration should be used to promote economic opportunity, relevant to activity B8.
Publication Date: 2017
Using structured decision-making to set restoration objectives when multiple values and preferences exist
Abstract:Achieving global targets for restoring native vegetation cover requires restoration projects to identify and work toward common management objectives. This is made challenging by the different values held by concerned stakeholders, which are not often accounted for. Additionally, restoration is time-dependent and yet there is often little explicit acknowledgment of the time frames required to achieve outcomes. Here, we argue that explicitly incorporating value and time considerations into stated objectives would help to achieve restoration goals. We reviewed the peer-reviewed literature on restoration of terrestrial vegetation and found that while there is guidance on how to identify and account for stakeholder values and time considerations, there is little evidence these are being incorporated into decision-making processes. In this article, we explore how a combination of stakeholder surveys and workshops can be used within a structured decision-making framework to facilitate the integration of diverse stakeholder values and time frame considerations to set restoration objectives.
Resource Type:Peer-reviewed ArticlePublication Date: 2017
Ecological Restoration in a Changing Biosphere
Abstract:Restoration efforts will affect large areas of the planet and hundreds of millions of people over the coming decades, but what will these actions look like, and what will they achieve? Debate continues about what constitutes appropriate restoration targets in our human-dominated and ever more rapidly changing world, and the outcome of this debate will impact the actions taken to conserve biodiversity, sequester carbon, and improve human livelihoods at large spatial scales. This special issue brings together eight scientific, historical, and journalistic perspectives to address these two critical questions about ecological restoration in a rapidly changing biosphere.
Resource Type:Journal Special IssuePublication Date: 2017
Partnering with Nature: The case for natural regeneration in forest and landscape restoration
Abstract:Natural regeneration is a cost-effective, nature-based tool for restoration that enhances resilience, supports local biodiversity, and supplies multiple ecosystem goods and services. However, for social, cultural and economic reasons, the potential of natural regeneration for achieving large-scale restoration objectives and climate mitigation targets is often overlooked. This information brief makes specific recommendations for policy changes that could enhance the role of natural regeneration in ecological restoration interventions and as an integral component of forest and landscape restoration.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
This policy brief describes the potential for natural regeneration, identifies areas where it might be most appropriate, in line with activity C1, and discusses policy changes needed to facilitate its implementation, consistent with activity B1.
Publication Date: 2017