Stanturf, J., S. Mansourian, M. Kleine
Publication Date:
Recognizing the challenge of implementing high-level FLR pledges, and realizing that obtaining results on the ground will confront many context-specific questions, a team of scientists from relevant IUFRO units has prepared this guide. This guide is intended to be a training resource for FLR facilitators who have a broad approach to land management. This guide addresses FLR implementation as a whole but with a view toward climate change mitigation and adaptation; only if the landscape is changing and FLR is successful will climate benefits materialise.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem
This publication has broad applicability to Groups of activities C and D with regard to projects implemented within the FLR framework.
- C1: Identify appropriate measures for conducting ecosystem restoration
- C2: Consider how restoration can support sustainability of agriculture/production
- C3: Develop ecosystem restoration plans with clear/measurable objectives and goals
- C4: Develop explicit implementation tasks, schedules, and budgets
- C5: Implement the measures
- D1: Assess the efficacy and effects of implementing the ecosystem restoration plan
- D2: Adjust plans, expectations, procedures, and monitoring through adaptive management
- D3: Share lessons learned from planning, financing, implementing and monitoring ecosystem restoration plans
Resource Type:
Technical Document
International Union of Forest Restoration Organizations