Nariva Swamp Ramsar Site, Trinidad and Tobago (West Indies): Wetland Habitat Restoration Initiative

Carbonell, M. and N. Nathai-Gyan

Publication Date:

For many years, the Ramsar Convention has been urging Contracting Parties to take a range of actions in order to promote the restoration of wetlands. However, restoration had been considered a priority mainly by developed countries (e.g., Denmark, The Netherlands, United States), with little being done in less developed countries. In Latin America and the Caribbean, restoration has been or is being carried out, more or less successfully, at a number of other Ramsar sites (e.g., Santa Marta in Colombia and Palo Verde in Costa Rica). However, these efforts have failed to address the situation in an integral and comprehensive way, not using to their advantage the many instruments available as Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention. On the other hand, Trinidad and Tobago not only has used the financial mechanisms available, but also much of the guidance provided through Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference of the Contracting Parties at their different meetings. Some of these include issues such as wetland policy formulation; revision of laws and institutional structure; involvement of local communities; promotion of communication, education and public awareness; development of environmental impact assessments and management plans; and monitoring of ecological character of wetlands.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191.
