Mine Spoil Restoration: A Strategy Combining Rainwater Harvesting and Adaptation to Random Recurrence of Droughts in Rajasthan

Pandey, D.N., A.C. Chaubey, A.K. Gupta and H. Vardhan

Publication Date:

Here we propose a strategy for mine spoil restoration aimed at creating a multifunctional ecosystem in mine waste dumps. We suggest that dredging and sediment removal from traditional tanks and ponds can potentially be used to prepare the substratum over the mine wastes for direct seeding. It will also create enhanced decentralized water storage capacity for wildlife and people. Our strategy combines the concomitant revival of traditional water harvesting systems, ground water recharge, enhanced biomass production and an adaptation to random recurrence of droughts in Rajasthan.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

International Network on Ethnoforestry
