Restoration of Damaged Land Areas: Using Nucleation to Improve Successional Processes

Reis, A., F.C. Bechara, M. Bazzo de Espi_ndola, N. Koehntopp Vieira and L. Lopes de Souza

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The restoration of damaged areas is a basic activity for conservation in situ by rebuilding biological communities and linking vegetation fragments. The nucleation has shown to be a successional principle in natural colonization of new areas. Therefore, it represents a basic technique for human activities aiming at contributing to the re-establishment of the communities. This paper discusses ways of implementing basic nucleation techniques on damaged areas, which provide high diversity in order to promote the establishment using the least artificial energy entrance. The following have been considered as nucleation techniques: soil transportation, direct seeding and hydro-seeding, artificial perches, brushwood transportation, high diversity islands and seeds collection bearing in mind the maintenance of genetic variability. The nucleation will become a usual technique when the legislation becomes clearer concerning environmental restoration and when the basic successional principles are considered as an important issue during the formation of human resources.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Natureza & Conservac_a_o