Long-term After-effects of Fertilisation on the Restoration of Calcareous Grasslands

Smits, N., J. Willems and R. Bobbink

Publication Date:

What are the long-term implications of former fertilisation for the ecological restoration of calcareous grasslands? The effect of artificial fertiliser with a large amount of nitrogen disappears in less than ten years when mown in August, including removal of the hay. This is a promising result for restoration of N-enriched calcareous grasslands, as the applied dose of nitrogen in this experiment largely exceeds the extra input of nitrogen via atmospheric deposition. Application of fertiliser with a large amount of phosphorus, however, has effects even more than 25 years after the last addition. There are no prospects that this effect will become reduced in the near future under the current mowing management.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Applied Vegetation Science
