Korapuki Island as a Case Study for Restoration of Insular Ecosystems in New Zealand

Towns, D.R .

Publication Date:

Success with eradicating invasive species from islands around New Zealand raises the prospect of reversing the loss of species by restoring biotic communities on modified islands. I seek to identify methods that can be used to clarify restoration targets on Korapuki Island, which was modified by introduced mammals until 1987. Ecological restoration of island ecosystems has been likened to reconstituting the ambiguous because of conceptual and practical difficulties. Goals for restoration of island systems are often dependent on value judgements. Biological outcomes or targets can be clarified by the use of unmodified neighbouring islands as benchmarks. However, successional pathways on the restored island may not converge with the benchmarks because of environmental differences between sites.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Journal of Biogeography
