Integrating Ecology and Economics for Restoration: Using Ecological Indicators in Valuation of Ecosystem Services

Schultz, E.T., R.J. Johnston, K. Segerson and E.Y. Besedin

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Because it can uniquely furnish insights into nonuse values for ecosystem services, survey- based Stated Preference (SP) valuation is widely used to estimate the benefits of ecological restoration. SP surveys ask respondents to select among restoration options yielding different ecological outcomes. This review examines the representation of ecological outcomes in SP studies seeking to quantify values for restoration of aquatic ecosystems. To promote the validity of ecological indicators used in SP valuation, we identified four standards: indicators should be measurable, interpretable, applicable, and comprehensive. We reviewed recent SP studies estimating the value of aquatic ecosystem services to assess whether ecological indicators in current use had these desirable properties.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Restoration Ecology
