Efficacy of Alternative Low-cost Approaches to Mangrove Restoration, American Samoa

Gilman, E. and J. Ellison

Publication Date:

Three mangrove restoration methods were tested at Nu’uuli, Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Since clearing 27 years ago converted the mangrove into a mudflat, the ecosystem was sufficiently altered that it could not self-correct; the ecosystem showed no natural regrowth despite an ample supply of propagules. While several years of monitoring may ultimately be required to determine the project’s success, and several decades could be required to fully return the full suite of functions, the project’s low-cost, nontechnical restoration techniques, using readily available materials, have proven to be modestly successful, with 38% sapling survival after six months.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Estuaries and Coasts
