Mapping and Prioritizing Degraded Areas for Restoration in A Protected Area of The Caatinga Biome: A Tool for Restoration Planning in The Brazilian Semiarid

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Joaquim José de Freitas Neto, Emanuelle Cordeiro Azevedo Souza, Fabiane Carolyne Santos, Severino Rodrigo Ribeiro Pinto

Publication Date:

Caatinga is an ecological region in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid, covering 912,529 km² over ten states. It is the most populated dry forest in the world, and one of the poorest regions in Brazil, where livelihoods are highly dependent on natural resources. That is why considering the social and ecological context is a must-do while planning Caatinga’s ecological restoration, mainly for its protected areas, where scientifically based guidelines on the most strategic ways to act are needed. This work mapped degraded areas in the Environmental Protected Area Chapada do Araripe, in Caatinga, covering 972,605.18 hectares between three Brazilian Northeastern states (PE, PI, and CE), to create a mechanism of decision making in restoration. We also carried out a prioritization analysis of these areas, based on relevant cost/effectiveness criteria. Public geospatial databases were used to identify different land cover types and degraded areas, by considering those without vegetation within public or private areas that should be covered by forest, based on Brazilian law. Then, the areas were judged based on a list of criteria, according to their characteristics (eg.: presence of threatened species, traditional peoples, occurrence of fire, ecological connectivity), generating a score that was higher for the most favorable areas for restoration, creating a priority ranking and restoration guidelines for each of area. We identified 28,313.15 hectares degraded areas, of which 92.4% are in Legal Reserves on rural properties. The ranking, as well as the mapped areas, represents an important decision-making tool for managers, for strategic planning of ecological restoration.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
