Challenges to Access and Engage the Restoration Productive Chain in Caatinga Biome: An Experience in a Brazilian Semiarid’s Protected Area

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Emanuelle Cordeiro Azevedo Souza, Karina Vieiralves Linhares

Publication Date:

The semiarid region, in Brazil’s Northeast, is known for locating the Caatinga biome, the most human-populated dry forest in the world. Caatinga’s natural resources are essential for the subsistence of its inhabitants. This vulnerability context added to Caatinga’s extended dry periods, and the low number of systematic experiences in ecological restoration make it very challenging to plan and execute restoration in that region. The Araripe Plateau is a geological formation in the Caatinga, between three Brazilian states, with a protected area and a national forest, covering over 1 million hectares, and a vegetation range from savanna to evergreen forests. To restore 100 hectares in this area, using low-cost techniques, we first sought to assess the existing production restoration chain, to involve its members in ecological restoration, which is still very incipient in the region. During critical phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, we used online tools and held meetings with stakeholders to build a network. Through a virtual survey form, released between May and September of 2020, we accessed more accurate information about the production of nurseries and seed collection in the region. We found 26 seedling nurseries that could get involved in restoration projects, ten of which have provided more information through the survey form. The majority of the nurseries assessed have more than 1000 seedlings/year production, primarily native species, but most of them are not registered in the Brazilian inspection agency. Seeds collection appears to be a not common activity in the region, although it represents a potential to engage communities.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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