Making technology meaningful: co-developing a practice for meaningful local tropical peatland monitoring in Mantangai, Indonesia

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Andrea Rawluk, Laura Graham, Samantha Grover

Publication Date:

In recent decades, there has been an increasing call to integrate the perspectives, practices, and worldviews of communities and local residents in ecological restoration that impacts them. Building on a growing body of scholarship that examines social dimensions of ecological restoration, this study is guided by the question: how can technologies be used to create locally meaningful knowledge sharing and the co-development of practice for community monitoring of restoration? The case study presented is the restoration of tropical peatlands and the use of chameleon flux sensors with local villagers in Mantangai, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Guided by a collaborative and interdisciplinary process that focuses on social-ecological systems thinking called Adaptive Doing, and an action research approach, the study maps the co-development of a collaborative process in which team members from a local non-governmental organisation (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation – BOSF) engage with villagers in the use of chameleon flux sensors, examine their perspectives, practices and understanding peatland monitoring and restoration, and learn about how to make these sensors interesting and meaningful to villages. Utilising Adaptive Doing, the multiple perspectives of and practices in peatlands and their restoration are identified, the local socialecological system is mapped, and a shared understanding is formed that guides the development of meaningful community monitoring practice and local learning. The study provides preliminary reflections on the co-design process and insights for community learning and engagement.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
