Constraints and Perspectives of Combined Ecological Restoration and Phytoremediation on a Mediterranean Protected Area Contaminated with Heavy Metals

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Lorène Tosini, Hélène Folzer, Alma Heckenroth, Pascale Prudent, Mathieu Santonja, Anne-Marie Farnet, MarieDominique Salducci, Laurent Vassalo, Yoan Labrousse, Benjamin Oursel, Isabelle Laffont-Schwob

Publication Date:

In the current context of ecosystem biodiversity and functionality erosion, combining ecological restoration and phytoremediation provides effective solutions for the management of metals and metalloids (MM) contaminated areas, by mitigating environmental contamination or avoiding contaminant dispersal, while restoring floristic biodiversity, soil, and their functionalities. This results in new challenges: (i) extending ecological restoration actions to manage highly degraded sites submitted to irreversible modifications, (ii) developing phytoremediation tools focusing on environmental-friendly methods that allow ecosystems to be dynamic and resilient, maintain their functions and support ecosystem services facing environmental changes. These aspects are mobilized in an ecological restoration trial which was set up in 2017 on a Mediterranean site contaminated with MM by using native plant species to restore plant and microbial communities, while providing an efficient MM stabilization in soil. After 3 years, an assessment of this operation success was done by modeling and considering 3 ecosystem compartments i.e soil, plant, and microorganisms. The results suggest that an ecological restoration trajectory is initiated, characterized by a partial permanent plant cover composed by planted native species and spontaneous local plant species which have colonized the experimental plots. However, there is no evidence of an improvement of soil health and phytostabilization efficiency. We hypothesized that this drastic Mediterranean environement constrains the recovery of native plant and microbial communities, which limit MM stabilization in soil. Thus, climatic parameters need to be integrated into the process understanding and taken into account in the restoration practices, especially in the current context of global warming

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
