Reach for the sky! Fluvial Geomorphological Applications of LiDAR, Remote Sensing and Drone Technology

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Fabien Hugue, Joanna Eyquem

Publication Date:

This presentation will focus on how innovative tools involving LiDAR, remote sensing and drone technology are increasingly being used to inform river management. We will provide insight into our recent experiences using practical case studies that demonstrate: • Use of LiDAR and Earth Observation data in hydrogeomorphological analysis – Globally, in the context of a changing climate, there has been movement towards more sustainable river management based on the concept of working with natural processes and giving appropriate space to rivers for natural flooding and erosion to occur. The “Freedom Space” for rivers relies on LiDAR and hydrogeomorphological interpretation and has been applied in several case studies in the province of Quebec to provide insight into erosion risks that is not provided using standard Meander Belt Width delimitation procedures which is used in Ontario and across Canada. • Use of repeat drone survey in river monitoring – Drone technology offers a valuable tool to complement more traditional field river monitoring techniques. Applications have included monitoring geomorphological response to dam removal and erosion monitoring based on quantitative bank profile retreat over time using images and topographic data gathered by drone

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
