Thinking about the future: why setting closure objectives early is important. Agnico Eagle’s approach to closure and rehabilitation.

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Josée Noël

Publication Date:

Agnico Eagle celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2017. Long lasting companies in the mining business can be proud of their achievement. But having been active for a long time also enhances the probabilities of having to manage legacy sites, which is the case for Agnico Eagle. The company began its activities in Cobalt, Ontario, mining silver from 1957 to 1989; then operated the Eagle-Telbel gold mine in Joutel, Québec, from 1974 to 1993. Based on the experience of its legacy sites, and on the different trends in mine closure and rehabilitation developed since the 1990’s, Agnico Eagle developed a vision and corporate standards for thinking, planning, developing and realizing successful mine closure and rehabilitation. The presentation will put the emphasis on the importance of closure objectives and integrated early planning and design for closure. Examples of how these principles are applied to past and current projects will be discussed.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
