Renewing Our Rivers: Lessons learned, principles, and strategies for stream restoration

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Mark K. Briggs, W.R. Osterkamp

Publication Date:

How can we bring back the world’s damaged rivers and streams for benefit of native species and people? Part of the answer is to make sure we take stock of lessons learned from past restoration efforts. The other part of the answer is to incorporate into restoration planning hard-earned restoration principles as well as the most current science and thinking on how to protect and restore damaged riverine ecosystems in the context of a rapidly changing climate. Based on a decade of research and written by stream restoration experts from Australia, Mexico and U.S., Renewing Our Rivers: A Guidebook to Stream Corridor Restoration combines these key elements and brings seasoned restoration practitioners to readers, providing start-to-finish guidance, resources, lessons, and tools required to effectively bring back a degraded stream or river. In this presentation, we will review central findings of this decade-long research effort. Lessons learned from stream restoration efforts in Australia, Mexico, and the U.S. will be highlighted. In addition, we will review strategies for adapting stream restoration efforts to the consequences of rapid climate change as well as strategies for managing and protecting streamflow for the benefit of native species and riverside human communities. Finally, it is essential that stream restoration responses have long-term temporal windows. We will conclude by presenting examples of stream restoration efforts that formed the sociopolitical and economic partnerships needed to take their initial stream restoration gains into the long-term for greater impact.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
