Trinational Alliance for the Atlantic Forest Restoration stakeholders’ engagement as a path to FLR long-term success

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Taruhim Miranda Cardoso Quadros, Daniel Venturi, Claudia Amicone, Lucia Lazzari, Oscar Rodas

Publication Date:

Considered a hotspot for tropical restoration (Brancalion et al., 2019), the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest (UPAF) ecoregion is a strategic territory situated in the Atlantic Forest transboundary region, where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. Since the 2000s, institutions have concentrated efforts in this region to halve deforestation and favor conservation in this highly fragmented landscape. Created in 2019, the Trinational Alliance for the Atlantic Forest Restoration (TAFR) arose from the necessity of one ecoregion common vision that connects planning at regional, national, and international level. It is a multisectoral movement that aims to promote articulation of different actors and public, private, and civil institutions in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay in favor of restoring UPAF. Although still in its initial phase, the TAFR already engaged 45 institutions from the tree countries. To tackle major challenges within the UPAF, these institutions are willing to collaborate to public policies strengthening at national and trinational levels, and to favor information exchange. Advances include stakeholder engagement, that has been promoted even in the COVID challenging period, whereas 127 actors engaged in the first virtual TAFR workshop. Also, the Geospatial group is creating an integrated vision for the landscape by  using geospatial intelligence to favor landscape connectivity and has already identified an area of 1.65M hectares that legally need to be restored. The TARF focuses on bold strategies that include lasting institutional arrangements and connects multiple scales, creating a pathway to successfully achieve the ambitious restoration goals in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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