Trillion Trees: working in partnership to achieve a vision of a world where forests are expanding, not shrinking

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Anna Kitulagoda, Bryna Griffin, Leonie Lawrence, John Lotspeich

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Ecosystem restoration holds the promise of helping address the world’s biggest challenges: limiting dangerous climate change, tackling the biodiversity crisis, and securing sustainable livelihoods of a growing global population. Thus far, 62 countries have now pledged to restore lands under the Bonn Challenge initiative, with restoration pledges covering over 170 million hectares, and countries are continuing to sign up. However, while pledges can be made easily, delivering high quality ecosystem restoration is difficult in practice. The participation of diverse stakeholder groups and a long-term vision of sustainability in the landscape – backed by appropriate finance – is critical for ecosystem restoration to reach its potential. Trillion Trees is a joint venture by three of the world’s largest conservation organisations, founded on the ambition to help protect and restore one trillion trees by 2050. We contribute to the global effort on forest restoration – alongside priority effort  to halt deforestation and improve protection of forest landscapes – with the aim to emphasise multiple benefits that can be delivered through restoration when done well. This presentation will draw on the experiences of working in tropical forest landscapes, to outline the importance of bringing together partnerships to deliver ecosystem restoration, and framing restoration initiatives within a wider vision of sustainable landscapes.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
