Lessons Learnt from 16 years of Restoring the Atlantic Forest at a Trinational Level: The Upper ParanĂ¡ in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay

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Aida Luz Aquino, Mauricio Voivodic, Manuel Jaramillo

Publication Date:

Straddling Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, the Upper ParanĂ¡ Atlantic Forest (UPAF) ecoregion hosts a quarter of the remaining highly fragmented Atlantic Forest. Main threats are conversion to agriculture and pasture land. The ecoregion vision identified restoration at the core of the interventions. In both UPAF and the Serra do Mar, over 5,300 ha of Atlantic forests have been planted in eight watersheds since 2006 with WWF support. In Paraguay, the rate of deforestation has decreased between 82 to 95% since the baseline in 2003, thanks to the zero-deforestation law, first enacted in 2004; WWF supported restoration (planting and natural regeneration) of almost 15,000 ha. Jaguar numbers increased in the ecoregion by 160% between 2005-2018. Collaboration with local communities and actors has been essential for WWF and Vida Silvestre. Key lessons learnt are: 1 Lasting convening power of ecoregional planning with a shared biodiversity vision. 2 Transboundary FLR planning is effective for conservation, while implementation is decided at the national/local levels. 3 Implementation at multiple scales contributes to it. 4 Restoration is one of many landscape interventions. 5 Addressing the underlying drivers of deforestation is an essential component of FLR. 6 Diverse and innovative restoration strategies are needed in the context of ongoing deforestation. 7 Social movements, networks, partnerships, alliances and stakeholder platforms play a mobilizing and multiplier role for FLR.8 Permanent dialogue helps to maintain momentum and establish trust. 9 Strong civil society organizations are required.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
