Count on Us. WWF Global Contribution to FLR Challenge

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Anita Diederichsen, Daniel Vallauri, and Stephanie Mansourian

Publication Date:

WWF has been working on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) since 2000, when along with IUCN we defined “forest landscape restoration” as “a planned process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded landscapes”. From that moment worldwide pilots on forest landscape restoration have been implemented with partners. Since 2018, WWF has been actively looking back and collecting lessons which are seeking to share it widely through a set of publications as “lessons from the field”. As we embark on the UN Decade on ecosystem restoration as a partner we find now a strategic moment to disseminate as much as possible these lessons learned with a strategic look on how to promote adaptive management, to contribute to other projects and to promote FLR upscale aiming towards increasing the organization contribution on the achievement of the 350 million hectares of forest landscapes by 2030 globally shared goal. Stakeholders have been a core component of this learning process and the moment and a lesson learned framework has been adopted. The WWF lessons learned publication series, is now composed of a total of eight landscapes. Continuing our lessons learned series symposium from SER 2019, we are at this time bringing new cases studies from Malaysia, Mexico, New Caledonia, the Lower Danube and a Trinacional one, covering Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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