Identification of Private Investment Opportunities in the Restoration of Forest and Agricultural Landscapes in Latin America

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Maria Franco Chuaire

Publication Date:

Twenty-two Initiative 20×20 financial partners have announced their intention to invest USD$2.4 billion in Latin America to support restoration and avoided deforestation activities. Even though most of them are already investing and looking to expand their portfolios in the region, oftentimes they run into significant barriers, such as the absence of a robust portfolio of investment opportunities, high risk perception, and/or high transaction costs. The resources and willingness are present, but the former are flowing slowly due to a fragmented market were the preference of funders are not clear to the general public; and project developers have little contact with funders and do not know what they can do to make their projects attractive. To help breach the gap, Initiative 20×20 partners are working on multiple fronts to help identify promising restoration initiatives and businesses, support their incubation and acceleration, and connect them with potential sources of financing. Through in-country Portfolio development in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, they are identifying restoration opportunities at different scales that can attract private investment. Besides compiling these opportunities in a database of easy access for financial partners, they are developing detailed factsheets for prioritized projects and designing and implementing training plans with mentorship, business development and pitching components. This effort is complemented by other regional and global initiatives such as the Land Accelerator, a program that seeks to increase restoration entrepreneurs’ impact through refining their business model and operations, helping them access appropriate financing, and supporting business introductions; and TerraMatch, an online global platform that connects people who are restoring land with potential funders.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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