Raising up Providence Island mangroves after Iota’s fury

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Jenny Alexandra Rodriguez-Rodríguez, Ostin Garcés-Ordoñez, Margarita Rosa Dussan, Isabela Katime

Publication Date:

On November 16, IOTA, the largest hurricane of 2020 in the Atlantic reached winds of about 250Km h-1. It was at 18 kilometers from the Providencia and Santa Catalina Islands (Colombia) being category 5. IOTA left in his wake close to 98% of the houses destroyed and affectations at least 93% of its plant covers in these Caribbean Island. In mangrove ecosystems particularly, the Hurricane left approximately 70% of the coverage affected mainly by defoliation, breaking of branches and trunks, and accumulation of large-scale debris. The impact of the hurricane was particularly evident in fringe mangroves dominated by Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove), while in basin forests dominated by Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erectus, the forests showed better health, natural regeneration and even, regrowth twenty days after the occurrence of the phenomenon. In this video, a series of photographs and short videos have compiled that show the impact of the Hurricane on these ecosystems and the first steps that have been taken for their restoration, including characterization fieldwork and “first aid” measures for this valuable ecosystem, worked with the local community.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
