Producing native plant materials for restoration of paramos in Ecuador

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Gissela Chiquin , Silvia Salgado , Tania Calle

Publication Date:

Since 2000, Fund for the Protection of Water (FONAG) has worked on activities for the recovery of degraded ecosystems focusing on paramos, wetlands and mountain forests in source water areas around Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Since 2003, native and exotic forest species have been planted. Since 2014, native shrub and tree species have been used through nurseries with the capacity to provide additional new species. However, there was no traceability of the origin of the genetic material used. Recognizing the value of using native, ecologically appropriate, and genetically diverse plant material to support ecosystem recovery aiming at greater resilience in the face of unpredictable climate conditions, in 2018, a program was started to produce paramo species from seeds with traceable origin. The video will show how you the system governance that FONAG took to generate plant production contracts for each specific site to be restored and how this process has resulted in the production of more native species that previously did not exist in nurseries, especially shrubs. Since then, 361,200 plants of more than 20 different species have been produced and used in the restoration of approximately 360 hectares. We want showed how this has led to restauration project improvements and challenges, from climatic conditions, soil preparation, seed collection and maintenance until the plants are ready for planting at the restoration site

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
