How we are preparing for the next decade: Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact Challenge

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Ludmila Pugliese de Siqueira, Alex Mends

Publication Date:

Last year, even in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and over a denial political period, the restauration agenda in Brazil strengthened, through the consolidation of key National and sub-national coalitions, including the The Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (PACTO), performing a strategic role in this context. The PACTO is recognized as a coalition with a consolidated governance and is inspiring and collaborating with several initiatives, from on the ground activities, capacity building, to public policy and financial mechanism. Since it was launched, in 2009, the PACTO has been driven by technical and scientific basis, mobilization and engagement of a diverse group of stakeholders and sectors; development of a collaborative platform for achieving restoration solutions; harmonization of regional socio-ecological specificities into a common vision. Currently there are more than 300 institutions members at Pact, 17 Decentralized Units, 6 thematic working groups, and innumerous articles that corroborate the movement achievements and outcomes. Additionally, the Pact´s Geodatabase platform encompass beside the 1M Hectares of native forest recovery, more than 60,000 hectares of restoration projects, with detailed information about it, including planting trees methods, monitoring process and partners and sponsors institutions. Currently we are implementing the Pact Challenge, with the ambition of recording additionally more 1 M hectares by 2025, mainly focused on the social and ecological drivers. To achieve that, we are implementing a pilot in 2 regions in the Atlantic Forest with good lessons learned contribution for the Decade.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
